Community: The Foundation of BlueCherry's Success

Throughout our recent INSIGHT 2024, BlueCherry’s client conference, we delivered exciting previews of our latest innovations in supply chain management, heard from technology partners who have integrated value-added capabilities to our platform, and spent time with colleagues to reconnect, network, and share ideas for building a strong, shared future.
It was the first global client conference we’ve hosted since before the pandemic and boy... has the world changed since then. The disruption to global supply chains brought on by the pandemic, the difficulties in our economic recovery like inflation, and the introduction of generative AI have all challenged us to evolve, and quickly.
Creating networking opportunities for members of the BlueCherry community, including clients, technology partners, and our own team was an imperative at INSIGHT 2024. We fostered and strengthened the BlueCherry community, with conversations on-stage and during the breaks that gave everyone the opportunity to learn, dig into best practices and be inspired by the successes of their peers.
The BlueCherry community is more than just a concept to us. It's the cornerstone of everything we do. So - what exactly do we mean by the BlueCherry community? We define it as our customers, partners, and employees all uniting to collaborate around shared goals.
We rely on our community every single day to fuel innovation and drive successful business outcomes. Active participation in our community is vital to its members’ success and we empower each member to contribute to the growth of the BlueCherry platform, so we achieve our short- and long-term goals.
Fostering a thriving BlueCherry community requires robust communications. To facilitate even greater communication and deliver the best possible customer experience, we have several exciting initiatives underway, including expanding our Customer Success program, enhancing communication channels, and revamping the ServiceNow client portal. We’re also continuing to drive communication among the community through timely blog posts, webinars, podcasts and events to keep everyone informed and engaged every step of the way.
We hope that all our attendees made new connections and strengthened existing ones at INSIGHT 2024. We also hope that our clients and partners came away feeling the deep sense of community that is part of what makes BlueCherry the right fit for the fashion, apparel, footwear, and consumer goods industries.
I definitely felt the sense of community. I’d like to thank all the clients and partners who attended, shared case studies, and engaged in the lively Q&As. Thanks to your continued support, passion and commitment, our BlueCherry community is stronger than ever.
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