Sharing Good Company and Holiday Cheer with a Home for the Elderly

The holidays are a wonderful time of year for many who are able to visit loved ones, either in person or virtually, especially during the pandemic. Sharing precious moments and good company makes all the difference. Once again showing their CGS Cares spirit, our colleagues in Romania took some time at the end of the year to offer cheer to others.
In December 2021, the team purchased and gift-wrapped some presents to send to the Baia Sprie Retirement Home, in Maramureș, Romania, a residence that provides round-the-clock care for 59 elderly people. They enjoy good living conditions, but only a few residents receive visitors regularly. Others may see only one or two visitors per year, and unfortunately, some are not visited at all.
The team collected personalized gifts for all 59 residents from all seven CGS offices in Romania. Then a courier delivered these gifts to Baia Sprie. The team brought a little cheer to others at a festive time of year. Perhaps it offered even a little piece of home to residents who had no family nearby.
Our coworkers were overwhelmed with emotion and left speechless as they got to know some of the residents virtually, treating them as their own grandparents. We hope the elders felt the warmth when they opened the packages from our colleagues.
It was truly a wonderful gesture, and the residents certainly enjoyed it. In response, the elders wished everyone joy and health for 2022, as you can see in the pictures featured here.
Thank you to all our colleagues who took the time to give back this past season! You truly show how CGS Cares for its communities.