Written by

Camille Stokes
September 21, 2015

Customer Service Tip of the Week: What's Your Name?

I think it is safe to say that the majority of people have to deal with customer service on a daily basis. It is also a pretty safe assumption that many people have varying experiences; both good and bad. With the many services, such as Yelp, that will allow customers to review a company immediately and publicly, it is no wonder that more businesses are focusing a lot of time and effort on improving their customer service. 
Companies that make customer service a priority create and uphold a set of standards that all agents should follow as to give customers an impeccable and uniform experience. Every business is different but we have identified a few customer service tips that can be used with any company and will be sharing one every week.

Let Your Customers Know Your Name and Number 


As a consumer, I like to make it a point to ask for the name of the person that I am speaking to in the event that I need to call back. Providing your name at various times throughout the call adds a personal touch that builds trust as well as a rapport. By giving your name and a call back number, the customer is able to call back and pick up right where they left off as opposed to having to start over with another representative. While there is no guarantee of happiness in any customer service exchange, this is an easy first step that any rep can do to help!


Written by

Camille Stokes

Call Center